George Floyd’s family

Donations will cover funeral costs, counseling services, legal fees, and care for his children.

Ahmaud Arbery’s mother fund

Donations support the family’s legal battle. Further action can be taken here.

Breonna Taylor’s family

Donations fund legal fees and offer extra support. Further action can be taken here.

Tony McDade’s family

Donations will cover funeral and burial expenses, counseling, and support the family’s legal battle. Further action can be taken here.

David McAtee’s mother and family

David McAtee was fatally shot after midnight on June 1, after police officers and National Guard members fired into a crowd of people who were not taking part in the evening’s protests.

An app that utilizes admob ads while playing a game to raise money for BLM.

International payment should work on any sites with paypal and credit or debit donations!

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