Squally’s Story

In the guilt of my mistakes, I was alone. Nobody to rely on or care for. I hadn’t been out in weeks and yet nobody reached out to me. My heart and soul was consumed with guilt and regret and I knew that I couldn’t do anything to get rid of it.

Everybody knows what I did. They all know what happened on September 3rd–the night of the accident. Nobody dares to face me now, but they don’t even know what happened–it wasn’t my fault! I know that if I could turn back time, I would. even if it meant that he would be with that other woman. it’s been so long, and yet I still haven’t forgotten his smile, his laugh, and the way he spoke ever so softly. The one thing I couldn’t remember was the place that we would always go to watch the sunset together. I needed to go there. I needed to ask for forgiveness from him.

He was there–right under the hill we sat on to create memories that would last forever. I’m sure that I remember the route to get to that place even though it’s all a blur. I got out of my bed and groggily walked out of the dark and quiet home I lived in. Being outside for the first time in months was weird. the outside world felt so peaceful, but I didn’t care to be curious why. My goal was to go to him and ask for forgiveness. my hands were shaking and my legs were weak. my heart was the only sound I could hear.

I was hungry, food no longer gave me the energy I needed. it didn’t matter to me anymore though. My anger and sadness fueled me with all that I needed to survive now. I just couldn’t help but wish that I could go back to that night of the accident. The meal I had that night was the best of my life. I couldn’t stop thinking of it. I don’t remember what I ate, but I knew I had to have it again no matter what.

Everything was quiet–I was calm and unbothered as I stumbled and tripped over my feet that were quickening with each step closer to what I knew was the hill. My heart was beating faster than ever by the time that I made it to the spot under the hill that I had buried him at. As I stood there, 10 feet away from the grave that I made for him, the memories of me burying him came back in a painful flash. My tears were pouring out of my eyes as I stumbled to where he was buried.
I fell to my knees and tried to use my hands to dig up the dirt desperately.

I cried as I was getting nowhere with my passionate attempt to dig him out of his grave.

“Mary?” I froze.

I knew that voice all too well. it couldn’t be possible, though. I knew it was impossible, but even with this knowledge, I spun around hopelessly wishing that he was truly there.


My voice was shaky and even when I knew my mind was probably playing tricks on me, I needed to believe it was real.
He walked towards me and I backed away in fear.

“You-you’re not real!” I yelled while tears were running down my cheeks.

“I buried you here myself! How can you be alive?!”

My back hit the bark of a tree painfully but I didn’t flinch as the most painful thing was seeing a ghost of my former lover–at least that’s what I thought it was.

He increased his walking pace towards me. his face was stern before it turned into a large smile. It was so insincere, I wanted to throw up.

“Oh, but you didn’t bury me? Did you miss me so much to the point that you started making things up, Mary?”

Those words sent shivers down my spine when I heard his voice once again. He harshly grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest so I could feel his heart beating in his chest. The speed in which his heart was pounding was far too fast for any human, but yet it proved that he was indeed still alive.

“See, Mary, I’m alive! I’m more alive than before you killed me. Can you believe it?!”
I was filled with fear as I scanned the rotted face. I hadn’t even noticed that his skin and muscle was rotting and tearing away.

“N-no, you’re not real! How would you be alive, and why do you look like…this?!”

my sobbing came to a halt as i said this. He giggled and trailed his finger along my chin, his hand colder than ice.
I was shaking in fear.

“Oh, Mary, how I’ve missed you. Ever since that day, I have wanted to apologize to you. I turned everyone into what you made me as an apology! I spread it all around the world, just like you wanted!”

I was confused. What did I “make” him?

“I don’t follow. What do you mean? I didn’t make you this way.”

I scoffed and looked into his scratched face and the deep bite marks on his body–the bite marks…when I saw the bite marks left on his arms, neck, and hands it all came back to me and it was like I was back there on September 3rd.

“Will, who is this..?”
“Why are you going through my phone?!”
“Who is this?!”

I heard my yelling and anger all over again. as if i was re-experiencing something. Oh, I remember it all now.
This was on that night. While he was in the shower, someone texted him, so I opened it to see who it was in case it was important. it was an unnamed number, so I assumed that it was scam texters but when I opened the chat, there were hundreds of texts from both the other person, and will.

“I already miss you, baby.”

read the message from the other person. my heart sank as i remembered scrolling up to read his texts to this person.

“You’re so much prettier than my girl haha I swear she’d go crazy if she knew about us”

“but she doesn’t..!!”

I turned off his phone and placed it next to me, face down on the bed in the realization that he was cheating on me with another girl. I covered my mouth to muffle my sobs while the shower water was turned off and a few minutes later he came out of the shower in his pajamas.

“Hey, have you seen my phone?”
he said while looking around the dark room lit up by a singular lamp next to our bed.

“Yeah, actually I have.”
I replied, trying to conceal my anger.

“Will, who is this?” I said quietly as I tossed his phone at him.

He caught it and quickly looked at his phone when he heard my words that were his worst nightmare.

“Why are you going through my phone?!” he yelled loudly.

I had never heard him yell before, but even so, I didn’t let that stop me from trying to get my answer.

“Who is this?!” I yelled out with a shaky voice with tears running down my cheeks.

He didn’t answer me and started to walk away.
I looked at him in horror as he put his shoes on and put his phone in his back pocket. Just as he was putting his jacket on, I got up hurriedly and grabbed his arm.

“Where are you going?” I asked, even when I did know where he was going.

“you’re going to that girl’s house, aren’t you? you’re nothing but a coward!!” I yelled and pulled him towards me.

He pushed me off, but I fell down from the force of it.

“ugh!” the back of my head hit the floor and I laid there, unmoving.

I heard him gasp at the sight of my body laying on the floor before he tried to grab his phone from his pocket to dial 911. At this point I had no control over my body and i didnt know what was happening.

I wasn’t trying to move, but my body was going on its own. My vision was blurry and dark, but my hearing and senses were stronger than ever before. I could hear my heart racing faster than ever before as my body started crawling towards will. I couldn’t stop my body from approaching him as fear started to take over my mind. He turned around when he heard me shuffle around the floor, desperately trying to crawl towards his body. when he saw my body crawling towards him he scoffed.

“Really? what are you doing? You look stupid, you know.”

I was yelling “RUN” but it was like he couldn’t hear me at all. whatever took over my body made a hissing noise and I realized that it started drooling.

The fear was apparent now. He looked down at me with wide eyes, frozen. when my hand latched onto his ankle, he shook and tried to kick me off of him.

“W-what the hell?!”

my hand was not coming off of his ankle even though it was bruised and hurting so much. My other hand held onto the same ankle and before I knew it I had taken a bite out of his calf. He screamed in pain as I ripped off the flesh.

I tried too hard to stop my body, but it wasn’t responding to me, I had to watch all of this with no way of stopping it. Will fell to his knees and kept on trying to hit me, but my body didn’t move a bit. I was latched onto him like a leech as he screamed and cried for help. I blacked out, and the next thing I knew was that my mouth was filled with some delicious taste but I had no memory of what happened, I only had the memory of burying him. I lived on for the last few months thinking that he had died from me murdering him, but that wasn’t nearly as bad as what really happened.

I clicked back to reality after all of my memories came back from that night. I screamed in horror.

“Oh, god, what did I do to you?!” I sobbed and fell to my knees dramatically.

He went on his knees to look me straight in my eyes.

“Come on, you say that as if it were bad.” he caressed my cheek lovingly

“You smell so good.” his voice was raspy and cracking as he said that.

I shook with fear as he roughly pushed my back against the stone. I fell on my bottom as he dug his teeth into my collarbone. I screamed in pain and panic as I tried to push him away in haste. He fell into a sitting position. I started to lose my breath from panicking and then hit my head on the stone before passing out.

This scene felt so familiar, but in my daze I couldn’t figure out why. My eyes were blurry and red just like on that night. I saw Will smiling at me like a maniac while he got up from the position that I pushed him into.

Once again, I didn’t have any control over my body. I couldn’t do anything but watch as my mind felt hazy and ruined. I couldn’t feel anything this time, it was all like a nightmare that I couldn’t end no matter what I did. I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t. I didn’t even realize most of what I was doing. I felt like I was going to fall asleep but I stayed awake. Even though I couldn’t feel anything, all of my other senses were on point.

“Hey, you did it again? Are you gonna finish me off this time?”

he asked as if it were something good. I was probably more scared than him, but something smelt so good that I couldn’t resist it. so I knew I wanted to go over there. I didn’t know what smelt so good, but I knew I needed it. I gave up on resisting and closed my eyes as my body leapt at will and started to eat his skin and muscle.

He screamed in pain, but was smiling at the same time.

“Aha! t-there you go a-again…”

he said weakly as my teeth dug into his neck and ripped off his nearly rotted flesh. this is not nearly as tasty as last time, but it was fine with me. I sat there on top of will for about an hour, chewing him up. He was about to die and we both knew that.
He used the last of his strength to say his last words to me.

“Thank you.”

The last human trait I had was the sadness I felt as I watched him take his last breath. The other part of me took over and I was no longer a human. every human part about me was gone after I finished him off. everything was silent. It was dark and yet comforting. Is this the afterlife? I questioned as I rested my eyes for the rest of eternity.

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