This is an excerpt of my novel in progress, Prism Girls, and contains the prologue and the first
chapter. In this excerpt, we are introduced to Andara, who struggles with finding a place when she
belongs in a world divided into seven attribute-based sectors. Simultaneously, the autocratic leader of
Aethreum concocts a plan to mitigate dissent in his country. Prism Girls is a passion project of mine that I
have been working on for quite some time, and I can’t wait to share it with you!

Prism Girls
By Marin Burg

“And you’re certain that this meeting will remain discreet?” the cloaked man’s gaze
darted from pillar to pillar, certain there were spies behind each of the marbled columns.
The impending twilight painted the two men’s surroundings in shades of blue and cast
their faces in shadow.
His companion tilted his head imperiously. “My friend, do you have such little faith in
me? Not a word shall escape these halls unless I should wish it.” His demeanor was amiable and
light, though his icy eyes conveyed he would sooner see this man’s family destitute in the streets
if it were for his own personal gain. “Now, what of the Camps?”
“Unrest is growing, my lord,” The man raked his hands through his receding hair. He
paused halfway through the movement and collected himself. “People are not happy, and
increasingly have been demonstrating as such to the guards.”
The other man rigidified. Coming to a decision, his shoulders straightened authoritatively.
“Clearly, more strict measures need to be taken. For one, my Cortisor, will need to be replaced.
She seems to be affable enough, but useless when it comes to the people.” He shook his head
with genuine disappointment.

“And should I begin the appointment process for a new Cortisor? It can be quite a lengthy
process, to find someone who has the right temperament for the job and–”
“Not to worry, Saunders,” the Esteemed Leader let out a light laugh. “Everything is under

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