Carol Dines new collection of stories, This Distance We Call Love, will be published by Orison Books in 2021. Her recent stories have been published in Ploughshares, Narrative, Worcester Review, Stonecrop, and the Willesden Herald #11, a British anthology of international fiction. Three stories from her new collection have been finalists in Narrative’s fiction contests. She has also published two novels for young adults, Best Friends Tell the Best Lies (Delacorte), The Queen’s Soprano (Harcourt) and a collection of short stories for young adults, Talk to Me (Delacorte.) In addition, she has published poems and stories in numerous journals and anthologies, including Somebody’s Speaking My Language (Women’s Voices Press), Voices of the Land (Milkweed), and Love and Lust: An Anthology, (Taylor and O’Neill’s Open To Interpretation, 2014). She is a recipient of the Judy Blume award as well as a recipient of Minnesota and Wisconsin State Artist Fellowships. Dines received a BA from Stanford University and an MA in English from Colorado State University. She has taught writing to all ages at universities, colleges, and public schools in Colorado, Florida, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. She lives in Minneapolis with her husband, Jack Zipes, and their standard poodle.
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