Horror Night in School by Anonymous

One day senior night the 3rd last day of school Friday night the weekend was right around the corner. The principal asked the students the highest top 4 students in the school smartest seniors to do a challenge and a reward will be given to winners.The reward is only for the last person once in a lifetime opportunity. The contestants are Jax,Savana,Riley and Jaden. They all agreed to do the challenge.The challenge was to do a night at the school.Kind of like a sleepover. little did they know the night would end as a horror night.

As soon as school ends the students go back to the house, get their blankets and spend the rest of the day at the school. Most of the student where hesitant about this challenge. night time comes around it is 9:00 p.m. the students are all awake The students are chit-chatting and talking about how they should pull an all-nighter and stay awake all night.Fast forward a few hours later they hear like somebody’s getting into the school.Savannah gets scared and goes under her blanket. Jaden says “Guys I think this is a part of the challenge we have to stay here” Jack says “Don’t be a baby we’re going to be fine”
Riley stays quiet!
Something is really going on in the school everybody believes that The school is scary. somebody breaks in they all run to the nearest office which is the principal’s office. they see it’s Susan. They all say “Susan what are you doing here you’re not allowed to be here get out Or we’re calling the cops,Why are you here”
Susan says “I broke into the school to vandalize again,Can I join you guys”
The students say “No you have to get out of analyzing is not right and you’re not supposed to be here we’re calling the cops”
Susan says “Go call the cops I’ve escaped from the many many times”
Susan vandalizes the school and she is scaring the students,The students think that Susan is doing this because The students have snitched on her and she is one of the lowest people in the school and she got suspended for vandalizing and sneaking into the school at night.Susan will not be able to graduate based on her actions he has done this whole year.All the students get scared they call the cops.Look up come in under 2 minutes they can’t find Susan what’s going on.The students end up leaving except Jaden.The students are all scared they never pull all nighters maybe if the would of went to sleep they would not experience this.Jaden is not scared at all as long as he has a cops nearby.The last person in the school is Jaden what is the reward? the students all safely go to their houses and the principal goes to Jaden’s house early in the morning on Saturday.
The principal says “Congratulations Jaden you have been the last person in the school Among the challenge in the students”
Jaden says “Thank you so much, what’s my reward?”
The principal says “ you get to go on a private yacht after you graduate with your friends and family for a whole week free of all costs food Etc. Jaden is really happy!

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