Newfound Idol by Clara Fitiavana Andrianarivola

I think anyone can make a conclusion that everyone always dreaded Monday if we are
all being honest, students dreaded Monday because they have to go back to school, workers
hated it because they had to go back to the office and work but for me this was the best day
that could ever exist.
Monday was my happiness,It was just that there was a little fiddle of excitement in
my chest that I could not describe well.It felt like I had anxiety but it was in a good way, It
wasn’t the type where i could hear my shiver come out of my mouth everytime I took a deep
breath It was a feeling that I always loved and I can barely feel it unless it’s this moment, but
I knew it wasn’t every Monday but only for this particular season. I loved Mondays and it
was only because of one reason,Sebastian Camer the one and only famous car racer that
everyone obsessed for, correction that I obsessed for. He was a handsome man who had black
hair, his eyes were light blue and his shoulders were broad. He had straight white teeth when
he smiled and he just gave model vibes from my perspective. He always won races and threw
the best after parties. He was pretty known around the city as he was from where we were.
Wherever you would go,you would see his poster everywhere, lightening up the streets with
his beautiful face.It always made pretty young women happy as they dread going to work.
Most of the men preferably would choose him as an idol or have a job like him one day. But
for me he was my muse. His smile just makes my whole day entirely better. But he wasn’t the
only one on those posters, and he wasn’t the only one everyone was obsessed with.
NicholasRoy, his ultimate rival, was also really famous. He had the typical oreo
hairstyle, his eyes were also light blue and his shoulders were as broad as the pacific ocean,
he had a defined jawline that most of his fans love to bring up to win over us Sebastian fans.
But he had one unique feature of his own which was his dimples, everyone loved it and that’s
what shines through the posters when you see him for the first time. He always came in
second place and would always be super close in winning and it is safe to say these two boys
despised each other. A lot of people do not know why but many believe Nicholas is just very
jealous and wants to win and can’t accept defeat after defeat and me being a proud Sebastian
supporter despise Nicholas as much as Sebastian despises him. No matter how hard someone
tries to convince me to like him, I would always hate him.“Girl you need to get up, you’ve
been staring at the screen angrily for the past 25 minutes” My best friend Rosanna
commented turning off the TV that I was watching the race on. “I just can’t accept it,
Sebastian lost to that dude,SERIOUSLY??Nicholas??” I shout in frustration, pulling my hair
in anger and disappointment. Seeing that jerks face smiling ear to ear holding his trophy
made me lose my mind. “It’s just a race,Lilian, your Sebastian has always won. How can he
not accept at least one loss” Rosanna says as she sets the table for us to eat our lunch. She
just arrived from my company to settle things off with my producer and composer. She put
our seats beside each other because that’s how we usually felt closer to each other. “You don’t
get it, if it was someone else I would be fine but it’s Nicholas, his rival,MY rival. Ugh I hate
him so much and now Sebastian has to suffer from embarrassment. His reputation will go
down in shambles and he won’t race anymore and I won’t be able to see him anymore and I-
“”Shhhhh” Rosanna said as she shoved a spoonful of rice into my mouth. I glare at her
angrily but seeing her sweet smile makes me lighten up and sigh. Rosanna was always this
positive girl and she was very bright ,her smile would lighten up the mood anytime that it
would make you immediately forget what made you upset. No matter what you did she was

always smiling unless she was at a funeral. She had dyed her hair strawberry pink which
really suits her. She has a very sharp nose and brown eyes, she was undeniably beautiful. She
was a model as a part time job and she would be my manager full time. She was also my
roommate and told me why she was so organized and everything was neat that it made me
look like a lazy bum. She can cook anything and I always admired her as my older sister who
will be my best friend forever. “Fine I’ll stop talking, what about you how have you been?”
Rosanna smiles again as she gets more comfortable in the seat beside me. I felt really bad as
she had to put up with me being dramatic over some boy.
“I get to go to the Bahamas with my fiancée” She said excitedly as I tried to match her
enthusiastic energy. She clapped in tiny as she jumped a little in her seat which was a cute
sight to see. She was always cheerful but you always knew when she was excited for
something. “Omg when??” I asked but then her smile lowered a little and she started to hold
my hand, her thumb caressing it to try to convince me about something. She always did this
when she knew what she would do would sort of upset me and as I saw this my smile
dropped as well “Next week, we leave on Sunday, and yes I know it’s your birthday but I’ll
make it up to you. I swear” She said, my little excitement turned into disappointment.
“Sana… you know that this is my 21st birthday right?? and it’s going to be my first birthday
without you” I immediately said, a little upset. “I know and I deeply apologize for that, we
could still celebrate it when I return. Wait! I have my gift in the bag. I’ll go get it ” She got up
and ran to go get her purse. I waited, eating the food she cooked, thinking about how today
was probably the worst day ever. Sebastian lost to some dude and now my best friend is not
going to be here on my birthday. I heard some mumbling as she returned into the room, her
arms behind her back as she smiled brightly.“I got you a ticket to the last race of the season,
you can see your Sebastian live and if he finds you cute he’ll invite you to his party” She said
smiling brightly. I nearly choked on my food as I screamed my lungs out in excitement. I
hugged her and started to carry her around the house before I began to thank her a million
times as she chuckled. “Well that was fast” Rosanna said smiling as she clasped her hands
together, .
.I finally put her down and slumped on my couch admiring the ticket in my arms
before she groaned. “Worst day ever” She quoted as she crossed her arms. “I love you Sana,
Just know that I’ll never be too mad at you but I still won’t forgive you for leaving me to go
alone to this on my birthday but since you’re going with your fiance I want you to have fun
and not feel guilty” I said as I hugged her. She smiled before she hugged me back. “Are you
sure you’re not that upset?? I can ask my fiance to cancel-“” DON’T YOU DARE” I
screamed, cutting her off. She covered her ears immediately, I realized I was a little too loud
so I lowered my voice. “I don’t want you to miss out either, you’ve been with me for years.
It’s fine you can have some fun” I reassured her as she hugged me again. “thank you so
much” She said before she broke the hug. We stared at each other before we burst out
laughing loudly. I think I was too busy admiring the ticket to even notice she was taking
pictures of me to send to her fiancée. “Okay okay that’s enough now, you need to go to work
now because you have been lacking it and your producer has been stressed.”Rosanna said,
slapping me from my excitement into annoyance. “I told you that I would do it when the
season ends” I replied, slumping on the chair lazily, she crossed her arms standing in front of

me scarily. “Lilian!” She said intimidatingly. “Fine” I said grumpy getting up as she smiled
again showing her dimples. Annoyed yet laughing I walked into the bathroom to take a
shower so I could go to work.

It was Sunday morning at around 4 am where Rosanna was already putting things
together. I did not want to get up but I knew I had to send her off or else I would cry because
I miss her. She was fully clothed in comfortable clothing. She had a hoodie and some
sweatpants, she had a neck pillow around her neck already and her hair was still a little messy
so while she was eating breakfast I decided to fix it up. When she finished eating the doorbell
rang. “I think it’s Elias” as she continued to drink the last bit of her milk while I went to go to
the door and opened it and as expected Elias was standing there with his matching sweats.
Elias had brunette hair and it was short, he had brown eyes as well. He was a model at the
same company as Rosanna but they dated while we were still in highschool when they were
freshman. They were the perfect couple back then and uptil now. We were all friends back
then and I in fact helped Elias confess to her which made me proud as a best friend. “Hey
Elias come on in” I let him and as he greeted me and went to the kitchen and kissed Rosanna
good morning. I smiled at their cuteness before I checked the time to see they had to go. “I
know you guys are cute and all but we need to go now or else you’ll miss your flight” I
warned them as they stopped hugging and got up. “Thanks so much Liliana and I’m sorry for
stealing your best friend” Elias apologized but I just laughed. “Just go you douche, enjoy the
vacation and don’t forget to bring me stuff okay??” I said as they exited the room smiling and
Rosanna telling me she would call me everytime to make sure I was doing well. I closed the
door as soon as they were not seen anymore. I closed the door and looked around the room,
the sun was still rising and it was quiet. I went to my room and decided to just sleep again to
regain my beauty sleep before looking like a monster at the studio.
When I woke up again I let out an annoyed groan, getting up. I got ready for the day. I
got dressed before doing my makeup and hair. When I finished I decided to drink some milk
before leaving my empty apartment. I walked in the hallway and clicked on the door to my
elevator. While I was in the elevator I met with my landlord as she was going to go to my
room at that same moment. “Good morning Madame Louise” I greeted as she looked at me
with a frown. “I’ve been getting complaints from the rooms under you about how loud you
are and Mrs Rosanna” She said crossing her arms, I chuckled awkwardly before apologizing.
“sorry madame, I’ll be careful” I repeated before she smiled again giving her sweet little
smile. “Anyways that wasn’t the main reason I’m here ,I’m here because I heard Mrs
Rosanna is going to go on vacation and I wanted to send her off” She said smiling at me. I
told her she already left early in the morning but that I would let her know she wanted to send
her off. She was a little sad but she nodded before the elevator door opened and we walked
out chatting a little before I left the building.
I was outside and my driver was there on his phone waiting for me. “Hey Maty, how
are you??” I said as I sat in the backseat, he put his phone down before he smiled at me.
“amazing madam” he said tiredly. No matter what the cause was I would always greet my
workers as they weren’t just workers but the people who are close to me. “How is your
family??” I asked, he started the car before answering. “My young daughter loves the toys

you bought for her, and my son loves his lego set as well. My wife really enjoys her job right
now so I think they’re doing amazing, “he said happily. “Maty, that wasn’t me who gave those
to them, you did by being a faithful worker of mine. But how about you , are you happy?”
Maty avoided eye contact with me as we started driving away. “Are you tired? You must be ,
you’re always working on the daily bringing me to work. Hey, tomorrow have a day off. I
have something to do” He looked at me shocked. “No mam i am not tired I-” “It wouldn’t
matter anyways as I wasn’t going to work anyways so just rest with your family” I said and
silence followed on the ride to my studio.
I entered the studio and was greeted by the other people who worked there.I went into
my producers office because I wanted to know what was so urgent that I had to come here
instead of preparing for my outfit, yes I already had the outfit the moment Sana told me I’ll
be going but I still need to make sure I look good. “ah, Lilian, my favorite singer. I have new
for you” he said immediately as soon as I sat down on the chair that was placed right in front
of his office. His office gave dark vibes. The desks were dark brown and his curtains were
black and white and every decoration followed only those colors. “What is it?” I said, getting
quite impatient. He waited a minute before he told me. “we’re having an artist block, all of
your songs so far sound like it’s for a crush you have or for a man you want and that’s
amazing you have your style but as more songs get produced the less there is to do. So I want
you to go out for the next 2 weeks and find some inspiration. And give your feelings about the
experience to the composer who will figure things out. If you cannot do that then we will have
to work with songs that are not really your style but another person’s perspective” He
finished with a sigh of relief. I stood there kind of unbothered. “Okay, I’ll see you then??” I
responded as he nodded before I left the building. I greeted the rest of the workers I didn’t see
and walked back outside. Maty was there already to bring me back home. “you knew it was
going to be short so you waited?” I asked as he just nodded. We returned back to my
building, I said goodbye to him and walked into the building straight to the elevator so I
could go back to my bed. I entered my room and put my shoes to the side as I started to
remove my makeup and put on a shirt and some shorts to feel more comfortable. I got some
snacks from my stash and sat in front of the Tv to look at the news on tomorrow’s game and
obviously everyone was talking about it. Feeling excited for the next day which was the last
day of the season. I was excited as the car seasons only happen twice per year and other
driving vehicles go back and forth in races. This was going to be my first time coming to one
race live, yes I know I could go if I needed to pay but the problem was time and schedule and
since I needed inspiration and this was the perfect time to have fun while looking for some
I got to bed and didn’t even realize how fast time went and as I woke up and the sun
was piercing through my eyes. I panicked seeing this brightness and got up immediately
checking the time. It was 10 am and I planned to be early so I could have a place ready for
me. The race started at 2 pm and I had about 4 hours to get to the place, good thing the drive
was only 20 minutes from here and not 45 minutes. I went to the bathroom and took a shower
and washed my hair. The Hot water hit my body as if it was pinching me, telling me not to
get too excited which made me flinch a little before setting it to warm. I finished showering
and blow dried my hair and as soon as I finished I changed into my attire for the day. I wore a
white cropped shirt and pleated denim mini skirt. I added an oversized light blue cardigan on

top of the crop top. I put on some heel platform white Converse and brought a mini light blue
suede handbag. Inside I had my lip gloss,wallet,phone and my ticket of course and a mini fan
just in case it got too hot. I stared at myself in the mirror before smiling to myself, but
realized I was missing something. “ah jewelry” I rushed to look at my jewelry box and found
my pearly necklace and wore that with my pearl earrings and bracelet. I went back into the
bathroom as I finished and started to do my makeup, I decided to put on some light makeup
with just the basics and a little bit of extra blush. For my hair I decided to do a half ponytail
that had a white bow at the back to hold things together and to look cute. I took pictures for
my instagram fans before checking the time to see it was already 11:54 am. I grabbed my
stuff and just decided to eat outside before heading to the occasion. I locked my door neatly
and made sure everything was perfect before I decided to walk into the elevator. I was on my
phone looking at the news and there were already people at the track taking their seats going
live and recording how excited they were and how unsure they were on who was going to
win the final game as last time Nicholas beat Sebastian. I scoffed at what the two girls said, it
was obvious Sebastian was going to win back his throne , one loss didn’t mean anything at
I entered the cafe, the little bell ‘tinged’ as I entered the room and the waiter’s
attention was on me. “Welcome, wait Lilian??” The waiter stopped before she calmed herself
down. “Welcome to our cafe, what would you like to order?” She said loudly before
whispering to me. “Can I get your autograph??” I chuckled and nodded. “I would like to
have a bagel burger and a cappuccino please” I smiled as she nodded before she went to the
back. There were people staring at me, I smiled at those who made eye contact with me
before I noticed a little girl approaching me. “Mam?? Are you rooting for Sebastian today??
My mother told me to ask you this”. She was so cute and I nodded before buying her some
candy at the counter. She thanked me before running to her mother happily. I soon received
my food and ate it before giving autographs to the fans who wanted some at the cafe. I
thanked the cafe before entering my car and drove off to my supposed destination.
I knew paparazzi were following me but I never knew they would spread it so fast
because not even 2 minutes after I left the cafe my photo was on the news saying how I was
going to the last race and was rooting for Sebastian as I was wearing blue in support of him. I
never intended to wear blue for him but I guess that’s how my look ended up looking. I
sighed as my Rosanna called me, I answered the phone immediately before she sighed.
“Didn’t I tell you not to be obvious when you go out, now people are literally waiting for you
at the gate and your producer is literally contacting me as he can’t get a hold of me” She
complained immediately. “Look I did not intend it to go this far okay? but it will be fine. I’ll
just make a statement that I will not be available to sign autographs today as it isn’t my day”
I reassured her but she let out a heavy sigh before shouting. “YOU SHOULD’VE SAID THAT
MEAN TO SIGN OTHERS AND NOT THEIRS!!!!” I put my phone a little further away from
my face to make sure she doesn’t burst my eardrums. “Ok fine I’ll figure things out bye” I
hung up as I saw the parking of the place. The time was currently 12:36 am and I finally
parked my car. I emailed my producer telling him to let fans know that I wanted to have a
good time before and during the show but will let them take photos and sign autographs after.
And before I let him respond I walked out of my car and entered the occasion. The moment I

entered there were two guards at the front who were demanding tickets, I handed them my
tickets as they let me in. I noticed how there were already a lot of people there. I walked up
the stairs and sat at the very front where my ticket number was, which was really close to the
track. There were multiple men in suits working things up and of course I decided to take
pictures. While I waited I noticed some girls staring at me. I smiled at them before they
shrieked off. I loved my fans very much as they were funny people.
Time came and they put the cars out, Sebastian had a blue GT-R Nissan while
Nicholas had a red Dodge challenger. I knew nothing about cars but I knew those two were
their cars as soon as I saw them. There were about 24 people there as their cars were all being
set up and one by one the drivers walked out all waving to their fans. The last two to walk out
were Sebastian and Nicholas. and the moment I saw them I was mesmerized, they were so
much more handsome than the posters and were better in real life. I knew Sebastian was
handsome but Nicholas was something I did not expect at all. Before Sebastian entered his
car we made eye contact and he winked towards me which I was shocked for. I thought I was
maybe dreaming and imagining things but I did not care and blushed madly as I saw him
enter his car and right beside him was Nicholas who had a disgusted face staring directly at
me. My smile dropped and stopped blushing rolling my eyes. Nicholas entered his car after
he finished smiling to his own fans. Everyone settled down after that and waited as the
announcer started the live show, the countdown started and everyone was silent waiting for it
to start. I prayed that Sebastian won but something inside me felt like that was the wrong
choice. I ignored the feeling as soon as I heard the engines roaring and the race started.
Everything went pretty well. It was obvious that the other competitors had no chance at all as
the two raced their way at the front. And as they kept passing laps and laps the two were
passing each other. But on the last lap Sebastian sped more and for some reason Nicholas’s
car slowed down a little and he was wiggling to the side. It seemed like he lost balance of the
wheel and everyone was worried, it seemed like Nicholas was trying to be focused again but
after struggling for a while he finally got his balance back but because of the incident
Sebastian won. Our side of the stadium roared in happiness but I was silent, it felt wrong. The
winner was declared and Nicholas had a disappointed look in his face. He looked angry at the
same time. He didn’t want to hear the announcement of his ranking and just left the area even
though he was supposed to be announced second. He passed right by me making eye contact
again but there was this little look of pain in his eyes before he left. Sebastian stepped on the
podium with his award but I didn’t feel happy during that moment, all I could think of was
the look in Nicholas’s eyes. It seemed like he was trying to prove himself and failed. My
thinking was cut off when I heard my name. I looked around confused as the camera panned
on me and Sebastian was holding the mic. “I would like to thank our special guest Lilian,
thank you for supporting me and as a token of appreciation I would really appreciate you
going to my after party tonight.” he said all cheerful he went up to me as he handed over the
mic and grabbed my hand asking for permission. I nodded, smiling ear to ear as this was one
of my dreams that came true. All of the happiness and the moment that happened made me
forget about Nicholas immediately. I was here for Sebastian and was going to support
Sebastian even though I felt like the race wasn’t fair at all. Smiling he hugged me before
going back to the podium again as he continued on with his speech.

As more people left and only those planning to go to the after party were left, I signed
some autographs for my fans who waited until the end. When I finished signing off only
those who organized the race were left and Sebastian, all the people who were going to the
party went to the destination early which was Sebastian’s house . Apparently he lived in a
mansion and people could do whatever they wanted as long as they were invited. And after
seeing it on TV every single time, I was finally going to go there live myself. I finished with
my last when there was a tap on my shoulders, I turned around and it was Sebastian. “Hey, do
you need a ride??” He smiled at me, he looked so happy during this moment and the only
thing I could do was fold for him. “Um yeah, I’ve never been to your place so I don’t know
where to go” I lied, everyone knew where he lived as it was the biggest house at the end of
Lonely st. But I can just feel whatever romantic scene I’ve seen in movies might happen in
that car. Where he does my seatbelt for me and opens the door for me. And we would vibe
and he puts his hands on my thigh and-. “Come on!!” He shouts as he stops my imagination
right then and there. He was in the parking lot already. I ran towards him with a big smile. He
opened the door for me and let me sit in the passenger seat before he walked around the car to
go to the driver’s seat. He put on his seatbelt and I smiled. We both stared at each other all
smiley but were interrupted. “Aren’t you supposed to call someone to take your car before it
gets towed tomorrow?” a voice from the backseat spoke which shook me , I immediately
turned around and was surprised to see Nicholas on his phone. “Dude way to ruin the mood”
Sebastian replied, I was confused and didn’t know what was happening. Weren’t they
supposed to be rivals?? Why was he in his car?? Why are they talking so casually? Was
Nicholas talking to me?. “I don’t get it?? What is he doing here?? No offense” I said
immediately. Sebastian rubbed his forehead groaning but no answered my question. The
tension was heavy as we all stared at each other. “Stop staring” Nicholas warned before I
turned around pretty quickly. I searched for my phone as Sebastian tried to start the car.
I dialed my best friend’s number to let her know about my car, yes I was going to let
her have fun with her fiance but I cannot handle what was happening alone. The moment she
picked up the call she screamed which was loud enough. Panicking I tried to mute her but I
clicked the wrong button and she was now on speaker mode. “GIRL!!! I JUST WATCHED IT
you’re living your life as you wanted. And Sebastian won as well cuz I remember you literally
pulling your hair out last week talking about some ‘it would be okay if it was anyone else but
Nicholas?his rival My rival’ hahahahaha. But anyways, why’d you call?” I was mortified.
Throughout the whole call I tried to turn it off but my phone wouldn’t cooperate with me so
all two of the boys heard her talking about me. “Sebastian is going to drive me and my car is
at the stadium to tell my producer okay bye” I hung up immediately as two of the boys stared
at me. “So you’re a big fan huh” “And a big enemy” Nicholas added to what Sebastian said.
“I was just being dramatic since she was leaving and then things happened and I just said
whatever” I said smiling awkwardly trying to reassure Nicholas the situation. “no need to
defend yourself I don’t care” Nicholas replied as soon as I finished my sentence making me
scoff. “you’re cute, anyway shall we go now??” Sebastian said as I nodded trying to forget
the embarrassing part. I texted my friend everything that has happened and she started
apologizing a million times. I told her everything was fine because after we started driving a

few the awkward vibes left, but I was still wondering. Did I hurt his feelings?? I still wanted
to know why he was there but decided to just leave things as it is.
We arrived at the mansion and it was as big as expected. Sebastian opened the door
for me and we walked out and I was surprised to see Nicholas also entering the house. He
went in front of us so I could finally ask Sebastian. “Why is he going in your house??I don’t
understand what happened” I said obviously curious as Sebastian chuckled. “We aren’t as
close so I won’t tell you yet but one thing is we live together but not for long as he is moving
out in like a month since he lost the best of winning the final race.”Sebastian said casually
but that made me have a million more questions. Why do they live together? Where is
Nicholas going to live?? Why did they bet on the race?. I felt totally dumbfounded but all
those thoughts vanished as soon as I heard the loud music and everyone dancing and the
cameras flashing towards us. “Hello everyone I hope you enjoy the party and tonight Mrs
Lilian is my date” Sebastian announced and everyone cheered but i was shocked , did i hear
that right?Did he just say date??. He held my hand smiling and asked. “Shall we dance?” I
nodded and we started dancing. We partied all night, I don’t drink but it was fun seeing
Sebastian getting drunk as he was all cutesy when drunk. Time flew fast and there were a
bunch of people on the floor asleep while half of them went home by taxi or were driven by
Sebastian’s drivers. Sebastian was a little drunk beside me as he smiled. “Since you’re my
date, you get to spend the night as well follow me” He said dragging me upstairs, I was kind
of nervous on what this was heading to but when we arrived there was his room. He told me I
could sit wherever as he was going to get changed into his pajamas. He went into the
bathroom after he grabbed some clothes from his wardrobe, I sat on his bed seeing how
comfortable it was to sit there. While he was changing I looked around the room and it was
full of cars and a lot of taekwondo awards. It had pictures of him and his family together and
him when he was little and when he was at school but one picture stood out. It was a picture
of two families and there was little Nicholas. It was a picture of Nicholas and Sebastian
wearing their Taekwondo suits. Sebastian looked proud of himself while Nicholas was happy
and excited. I examined the picture more before Sebastian came out of the bathroom with his
pajamas. “what are you doing?” He asked as I put the photo back. “Looking at your awards,
it looks like you are good at everything” I said he smiled softly before he nodded.
“What I’m about to say is one of my deepest secrets and I’m telling them to you
because I like you.” I blushed at his words. “Lilian I like you and wanted to ask if you wanted
to be my girlfriend first. I always loved your music and wanted to meet you one day and the
moment I heard you were coming and were my fan I wanted to use this opportunity” He
ended, I was surprised at first. Everything felt too rushed and I don’t know him that well but
if the man I dreamed of confessed to me I would definitely agree. But I knew it was too fast
and he was drunk as well. “I want to take things slow though. And I like you as well but I
want to get to know you first” I said. His eyes were sparkling while staring at me and he
nodded. “I understand, so what I was about to say hehe. Me and Nicholas are cousins but
we’re really close since we were born on the same day. Our families grew up as neighbors
and everything was fine until Nicholas changed in middle school. He told my parents and his
that I was bullying him at school which started a misunderstanding between us. We joined
Taekwondo together and we were really good I guess but we had to go against each other and
he lost and ever since he’s hated me. He always thinks it’s a competition and I didn’t like it so

I tried my best to win just to humble him and always tried to convince him that it was okay to
not win but he would always walk away angrily. And then when we graduated I said I was
going to be a racer and that same night he revealed that he planned to do that years before I
ever thought of it which was untrue. And we ended up getting better and better and now here
we are. He hates living with me and said that one day he’ll move out so I told him if he won I
would quit driving and move out but if I won he had to move out . I actually let him keep his
job. I just don’t understand what’s wrong with him because I loved him deeply and wanted
our relationship when we were kids to grow together but it seems like he hates the idea.”
Sebastian finished his words crying. I comforted him and all the little feelings that I felt bad
for Nicholas vanished completely. I knew he was a horrible man and couldn’t believe that
Sebastian had to go through all of that alone.
Sebastian soon fell asleep and I let him rest on the bed before I decided to just look
for a place to go for the night. I closed the room and was about to walk when I bumped into
someone, I felt a hard chest bump right into me and I stumbled but the person caught me in
time. I opened my eyes to see it was Nicholas, he had wet hair and had comfortable clothing
on. He pulled me back to my feet. “Be careful, wait what are you doing out here?” he asked
as his expression went from worrisome to a stone cold face. I knew he was just a jerk. “I
wanted to look for a place to sleep” I replied and he stared at me for a second before he
sighed. “You can sleep in my room, the guest rooms are filled and all the couches are filled
with people and I know those clothes are uncomfortable to sleep in so just take whatever is in
my wardrobe” he said as he was about to quickly leave but I held onto his hand. “Where are
you going to sleep then?” I asked and he snatched his hand from me. “That’s none of your
concern” He replied as he walked off. I was confused, He was rude yet nice at the same time.
I walked into his room and it was similar to Sebastian’s room but this time it was filled with
his pictures when he was small. He was smiling in all of them. He had awards from
taekwondo but they were all in second place. There were also his cars and then there was a
photobook that was decorated cutely. Being the curious girl I was, I went for a look. I flipped
the first page and there was my picture from one of my posters. I was quite surprised. I kept
flipping the page and it had all of my CDs of every album I ever released. I was surprised that
he was actually my fan. Sebastian said he was a fan but I didn’t know so was Nicholas. After
looking through the whole book I decided to get ready to sleep.
His wardrobe barely had any clothing and there were about 5 huge suitcases laid at
the side and that’s when I remembered he was going to move out. I saw a big hoodie and just
took it and saw some readjustable shorts so I decided to wear those. I went to the bathroom to
change. And put my clothes on the side of my bed as I got comfy on his bed. But then I
realized. I was sleeping on Nicholas’s bed, I was wearing Nicholases’s bed, I was in
Nicholas’s room right after Sebastian told me about everything he did to him. It felt wrong,
everything felt wrong. I decided to text Rosanna everything and she was as shocked as me.
After getting tired of texting she decided to Facetime me. “I don’t know what Sebastian said
doesn’t add up to me , like how could someone do this nice act like that up till now??”
Rosanna said but I didn’t know. “How do you know he’s nice?” I asked but she shrugged.
“Don’t think too much about it, just get to know Sebastian and avoid Nicholas just in case.
But a mean person won’t give them your room like that ” Rosanna finished. We kept on
talking for at least 20 more minutes before I fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up pretty late. It was 9 am and I got up immediately as I
remembered whose house I was in and whose clothing I was wearing. I rushed to the
bathroom to wash my face and dived into my purse to look for some makeup but I forgot that
I only brought lipgloss. “Ahh what do I do” I panicked before I was looking for my phone
but I left it at the bedside table. I groaned in annoyance and walked out to grab it but then the
door opened. I screamed in terror as I saw Nicholas enter, he flinched a little before he held
onto his heart. “Don’t scream like that ever again” He said as he closed the door behind him.
I stared at him awkwardly, he slowly approached me and handed me a pouch. “Here is the
makeup I had to advertise last time, use these and get ready, everyone already left this
morning and you’re the last one” He said quickly before he left the room again. I stared at
the pouch in my hands. I didn’t understand why he was this nice towards me. It seemed like
he wasn’t acting like how he was portrayed in the media or as Sebastian described him. I
smiled at the thought that he was actually a nice person but maybe just misunderstood. I went
to the bathroom and decided to apply the makeup Nicholas gave me. It had everything I
needed and some perfume as well. I looked for my clothes and left the room to look for them
forgetting where I put them. Just then Nicholas re-entered the room. He glanced at me for a
few seconds before he took some clothes and was about to walk out but I held onto his hand.
He stared at our hands then at me with an annoyed expression. “I’m sorry but I don’t know
where my clothes are” I said not letting go of his hands and before he could answer someone
spoke. “What are you guys doing??” We both looked at the doorway and there stood
Sebastian already dressed for the day. He looked pissed and marched angrily towards us, he
pulled my hands from Nicholas and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “Why are you
treating my girlfriend like she’s yours” Sebastian glared, Nicholas stared at Nicholas’s arms
before he scoffed. “Girlfriend? whatever your clothes are currently being washed as the
maids tried to tidy the room and found it this morning. Either you go home like that or wait
for it” Nicholas replied before he left the room slamming the door. It was silent after and
Sebastian removed his hands. “I didn’t mean to call you my girlfriend but I had no choice as
he will try to take you from me and I won’t be able to handle that” Sebastian said as he
apologized, seeing his apologetic face I nodded , assuring him it was fine but not to do it
again as it might cause a misunderstanding. He agreed before he told me to take my stuff and
go back to his room. I stayed there wondering what to do next but Sebastian came in with a
plate of food. “Eat up, you’re probably hungry” He said, feeding me the little strawberry on
the fruit bowl. “I’m okay, I need to go home , my manager needs me for something. I’ll
definitely come by soon. Here’s my number okay bye” I quickly left the room with my stuff
forgetting my clothes. I ran out of the mansion and was at5 the gates. I asked the guards to let
me out but they wouldn’t let me. “We need permission from our bosses to let you out,” The
guard said. I groaned as I tried climbing the fence. “Mrs what are you doing that’s
dangerous” One of the guards said as multiple of them started gathering around me. I was
trying my best to get out of there as possible but the gate was really hard to pass through. As I
was about to reach the top I lost my balance. I panicked and tried to get my balance back but
failed miserably. A loud scream came out of my mouth as I closed my eyes, but before I
could hit the ground a strong pair of arms caught me. I opened my eyes and it was Sebastian
panting as he rushed towards me. I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the door but
something else caught my eyes and it was Nicholas at the window in his room staring at us.

We made eye contact before he quickly left. “Lilian are you okay?” Sebastian said, bringing
my gaze back from Nicholas to him. What was I doing? Why was I looking at Nicholas when
I have the man who loves me right in front of me. “Yes , you can put me down now and I
really have to go,” I said, pleading my eyes. He looked at me worried and told the guards to
let me go. I smiled at him before telling him. “Call me,” I said as I kept running. I looked like
a mess, it felt like I was doing something wrong but I wasn’t. I was just allergic to
strawberries and couldn’t stay in a room filled with Strawberries that long. I called for a taxi
and went home peacefully.
The moment I entered my apartment I let out a sigh of relief. I showered and put
Nicholas’s clothes in the washing machine. And while waiting for that to finish I decided to
scream everything that I had in me. I couldn’t believe it, I met Sebastian and Nicholas and
Sebastian asked me to be his girlfriend the same day. Everything felt so chaotic as I thought
about what had happened and I cringed from embarrassment. I sighed sitting down on my
sofa before I remembered what I had to do. I got my notebook and decided to write down
everything I felt during that moment. How I had the best day of my life and that sometimes
people aren’t as they seem like.
A couple hours after I finished and started drying the clothes. While doing so I
received a lot of text messages from my producer and directors telling me to watch the news.
Rosanna messaged me in an angry tone. I was curious and decided to look at the news and
was so surprised I gasped loudly. “WHAT??!” I screamed. The face of the article showed all
the pictures of me and Sebastian that night. From when he asked me to the after party, the
picture of us dancing during the party and then there was a picture of me going to his room,
followed by a picture of me in Nicholas’s clothes in Sebastian’s arms during the morning, me
entering a taxi and following me to my home. I was shocked at how fast things were and
wondered who took these photos when I was sure I told Sebastian not to spread things yet
and only one person was on my mind who did this as he was the one to know. Nicholas, He
was the one Sebastian revealed what happened to. But why would he do such a thing was on
my mind, if he really wanted to take me away like Sebastian said wouldn’t he post the
pictures of when we were talking?. “Ah my head hurts” I said out loud as I was annoyed by
the whole situation.
For the next three weeks I ignored my phone. My directors and producers were trying
to call me but I just sent them an email that I needed a break. Rosanna tried calling multiple
times but I put her on ‘do not disturb’. But Sebastian never called about the situation to
explain what happened. I was pissed overall but I also was having an anxiety attack on what
will happen the moment I walk out. I knew it would be dangerous for me so I decided to just
stay in my house and cook for myself but it will be no matter of time that the food storage
will be empty so I decided to just not eat lunch. I wanted to put things back together but
nothing was helping at all.* CRASH* A loud noise came from my new neighbor, which was
not helping at all. The same week everything happened I heard a lot of talking in the next
door apartment so I decided to take a peak in the hallway just to see a bunch of workmen
there moving boxes, as soon as I saw it I went back inside and just decided to ignore it and
now it was the third week and the so called person already moved in. Our apartment building
was a very expensive one because they already give the furniture to the new movers and it
was up to the people to move things around as they like and the only thing you will need

would be your personal items. CRASH, another loud crash happened which got me
worried this time. The person moved in like 2 days ago and they were really silent on the first
day but today they’re been clashing and clinking everything , they’ve been having multiple
Knock knock, suddenly there was some knocking on my door. I was startled and
didn’t know what to do. I panicked and walked around the room to look for something but
then another knock was heard. I silently screamed in annoyance before looking at the
peephole but I couldn’t completely soo whoever it was so I slightly opened the door and was
shocked to see wet clothes dripping from the person who was in front of me. I opened the
door wide in shock. “Omg are you okay? Do you need help?” I asked before I made eye
contact with the person in front of me. It was Nicholas. At first I was surprised but then I
remembered everything. He had to move out by the end of the month and he did and it had to
be right beside me. “Lilian?” He asked as surprised as me, we both stared at each other
before he apologized. “I’m sorry,I didn’t mean to go to you, it’s just you’re the only one here
since everyone is gone on this floor, so can you please help me?” He said looking a little
desperate, I was staring at him mesmerized by what I was seeing but was cut off after he
asked a second time. “oh yeah of course” I replied as I followed him to his apartment. It was
all white in the room and sage green was the theme of his design. Around the house were
already his awards and his pictures as kids. He guided me to the bathroom and as we opened
it , there was a puddle of water and his bathtub was filled with clothes and water. I saw some
knocked objects from the side on the floor like his razors and toothbrush. “What were you
trying to do?” I asked as I picked some of his stuff from the floor and rinsed it off trying to
put it somewhere but he didn’t have a cup to put everything in it. “I was trying to wash my
clothes but had no idea how to do so I watched a video I found where you wash it by hand so
I attempted to do it but then the water got higher and higher and I didn’t know what to do, so
I turned it off. I tried to walk out of the bathroom but fell and knocked those off the counter
and tried to leave the bathroom again but ended up falling directly back in the tub. So I
crawled out of the bathroom to look for help.” I burst out laughing the moment I heard his
attempt to clean. He frowned and started pouting because I was making fun of him. “Sorry,
but you know what I’ll help you for basic home stuff before I leave you alone again” I replied
as his pout turned into a shy smile, at first I told him to get the rag under the counter and put
it on the water on the floor while we drained the water in the bathtub. I told him to put all the
remaining wet and dry dirty clothes in a bucket while I started squeezing the rag and tried to
drain the water from the floor. “Done, what do we do now? my clothes are still dirty” He said
confused on what to do next. “First of all let’s make sure your bathroom is clean and I want
you to change out of those clothes so we can wash those” I explained to him as i started
mopping the floor, he stared at me for a second before he tapped my shoulder gently. “These
are the only clothes I can wear left, the rest are dirty or wet” he said again, I stared at him in
disbelief before I shook my head. “Ok, first pour water in the tub to wash off the soap then
you’re going to do what I just did with this mop, moving it back and forth-” “I know how to
use a mop” He said kind of annoyed now and I just laughed. “Ok so finish it up in here, I’ll
get you some new clothes” I said as I rushed out of his apartment into mine and took the
clothes I borrowed the other day.

I rushed back inside his house to see him finish cleaning the bathroom. “Here are
your clothes from last time, oh and thank you by the way” I said to him as he stared at it
before he removed his shirt. I was startled so I screamed and covered my eyes. “um can you
leave for a while?” He asked politely, and I walked out of the bathroom. I started to mop the
wet path where he crawled onto the floor and looked around his apartment for something to
clean but before I could even do another task, he came out of the bathroom with a bucket full
of his dirty clothes. I smiled as he stood there awkward. “Follow me” I said, guiding him to
the laundry room. Once we arrived he watched me carefully as I put his clothes in the
washing machine, I told him to continue it and he started putting all his clothes in. “You have
a lot of clothes and that will overload it so we will have to do this 2 more times after” I
explained as I removed some of his clothes. I showed him where to pour the soap and what
buttons to click. I only explained while I made him do it. He looked really confused and kept
staring at me to make sure what he was doing was right and I couldn’t help but smile at him.
“There you go, now you wait for it to finish before putting it in the dryer, and I’ll help with
that later” I said smiling at him. He also smiled and thanked me for the help as he didn’t
know what he would’ve done. We left the laundry room and I asked him what else he didn’t
know what to do as I was going to help him. “I think I know everything else as I used to cook
for me and Sebastian before the maids were hired but Sebastian was the one washing our
clothes” He explained as I nodded. We fell silent after he finished his sentence and felt
awkward and to get rid of the awkwardness I asked him if he wanted to play Jenga as I saw
the game under his TV earlier. He nodded so we sat at the small table, and I assembled things
together. “Prepare to lose” I warned him, he scoffed and cracked his knuckles. “Game on”
He said as our game started.
We played for about 30 minutes when the first round ended and he won, he got up
happily while I got more competitive. “So that’s what we’re doing?? I went easy on you” I
announced as he sat back down smirking. We played again and he won again. I didn’t
understand as I thought the tile he had left couldn’t be moved anymore but he managed to do
so. “One last game??” He asked and at first I didn’t want to but I didn’t feel like a loser so I
agreed. And in the end I won the last game, I was so happy I got up on my feet and started
dancing. He laughed out loud as we were both having fun. During this moment he made me
realize how much I was feeling down and he was able to cheer me up. I felt like all the drama
that happened 3 weeks ago never happened.
We finished washing all his clothes and drying them, and we both decided to order
takeout for dinner. While we were waiting for the dinner I asked for his phone in case
something happens again and he gave it to me. I made sure he received my number as
well.We ate some fried chicken together and chatted about our childhood lives, well it was
mostly me talking about me and Rosanna’s shenanigans and him listening. I never talked so
much with someone before and it really meant I felt comfortable with him. “You and
Rosanna are quite the kids no one wanted to be together because you would cause trouble”
He laughed as I nodded.
It was getting late so I told him goodbye as I left his apartment and I felt really happy,
it felt like I made a new friend. When I entered my apartment it felt pretty empty as I had no
one to talk to. But my mood has gone way better so I decided to put my notifications back on.
I told my producers and directors I was doing fine but will need about 2 more days to go back

to work. They were happy about the news and told me beforehand that they will tell my fans
that I was back again. After I called Rosanna, not even one ring went and she answered.
“Omg girl you’re finally back. How are you? Is everything okay??” She said a worried tone
in her voice. I told her what happened, how I felt throughout the weeks and I told her
everything that happened with Nicholas. At first she fell silent before she let out a deep
breath. “I’m so happy everything is good now, but I warned you to stay away from Nicholas
as your image in the public is you dating Sebastian. a lot of fans were asking questions to the
company and we need to release a statement.” I then remembered about Sebastian and
everything that he said. I was conflicted, Nicholas didn’t look like a jerk. He was a very
sweet guy with a gentle heart and Sebastian never texted me ever since the situation. I had to
tell Sebastian to clear the image online and I needed to contact him about it. I didn’t know
what to do. I really like Sebastian but I don’t like him with romantic feelings. Yes he is my
idol and I love him as an idol. But if younger me was thinking about this I would’ve agreed
faster than lightening but it felt like something was stopping me from doing so. I didn’t really
know who to believe. Sebastian was nice and kind but he acted like just a boy in a life while
Nicholas was friendlier than anything. Yes he was rude at the beginning but the more you
know him he was nicer. I told Rosanna all of these things that I had in mind and she was as
conflicted as me. “You had fun with Sebastian at the party right??” She asked. “I did but
partying isn’t my thing. I did it because it was him you know?” I explained to her, she
hummed before she asked. “what about when you were with Nicholas?”. I thought for a
second before responding. “It was fun, he is really a nice guy and I learned that he really
prefers to stay at home just like me. We have things in common and he feels like a really fun
person to be around with, AND his pouts are so cute. When he laughed his dimples would
show and it really suits him, am I blabbering too much??” I asked, she laughed before she let
out a breath. “Girl it’s quite obvious that you like Nicholas more” She said. I was shocked but
deep inside I knew it was true. “What do I do?” I asked and she went silent for a second
before she replied. “ Confront Sebastian and tell him what you said to me to him, because it
will be pretty awkward for you to be friends with Nicholas who he clearly says is a mean
person and also don’t fully trust Nicholas and still watch out” She warned me. I told her I
would do so soon and that I was planning to do so.
It’s been 3 days since me and Rosanna’s call. I hung out at Nicholas’s all the time as
he kept calling me to hang out. His excuse was that he always needed help with something
so I agreed. And I really enjoyed my time with him. I couldn’t avoid him even though I tried
hard. And I ended up telling him everything I wanted to say except things including what
Sebastian said about him. He knew I had anxiety as I told him and the moment I said it I felt
like I overshared and felt insecure but he smiled and told me that it was okay to have anxiety
and that if it ever occurs to let him know. he was really sweet that I ended up having weird
feelings inside me. I knew what it was but didn’t want to think it was true so I just denied
I walked into my studio and all of my workers greeted me and welcomed me back. I
smiled at them all and made sure everyone was doing alright so I bought them coffee. I
entered my producer’s room where the Director and composer were. They were all gathered
around the desk talking about something serious before I entered. They all looked up and
smiled. “Lilian, welcome back”They said as they made space for me to sit down. I thanked

them as I pulled out a bunch of papers filled with lyrics. “I have about 24 papers that have
different songs the composer can work with and I have 1 song that I composed myself. Here is
the drive of the song I made myself. It’s called Newfound Idol and I hope you enjoy it ” I said
as they were amazed by my work. “You were supposed to take a break” They all said in
unison but I just smiled. “I had inspiration during the break, so here it is. Are we done here??
I need to get my image and Sebastian settled” I announced getting up from my seat, they all
excused me to leave. I walked out of the office towards mine. There I made my draft of the
article I want to be posted.
After finishing the draft I decided to call Nicholas. “Hey Lilian, aren’t you at work
right now?” He asked, concerned as I could hear he was munching on his food. “Yeah I am,
but I need you to give me your cousin’s number” I said as silent as at the other end. “I need it
to inform him that I would clear the name in the media about us dating” I said. He choked
on his food immediately when I said those words. “You guys are not dating??” He asked, I
didn’t even realize that I forgot that one detail to tell him. I hummed while he started sending
me his cousin’s number. “There you go,” He said. I thanked him before hanging up. I dialed
the number given to me and was left on voicemail. I tried calling again for the second time
and as the first try he was to no avail. I got up from my seat and took my draft to the media
team. “Make this article official please and notify me when you do” I said and they started to
work immediately. I grabbed my jacket and went outside and saw Maty in the car waiting for
me. He looked a lot more healthier and it was probably because instead of a one day off it
turned into a 3 week off. “Hey Maty, send me to this location please”. He nodded and started
the car. I was scrolling through my phone and the news about me coming back was already
viral in the media. I decided to take a picture and post it to my instagram story and shut my
phone, closing my eyes and waiting until we arrived at the destination.
I arrived at the mansion and thanked Maty but asked him to wait for a few because it
was not going to take too long. I knocked at the gate and saw the bodyguards from last time.
They looked like they didn’t know what to do. “Mrs what are you doing here? sir didn’t
inform us you will be going here” They said. I told them that I needed to have a chat with
him, at first they didn’t let me in but I put on a show on how I would be devastated if I didn’t
see him any sooner. And in the end they let me in. I entered the house and was greeted by an
ugly smell. The whole house was trashed and there was trash everywhere. I stared at the floor
disgustingly as I made my way to look for Sebastian. I looked at his room but no one was
there. His room looked destroyed and it was filled with cans of beer and snacks. I looked
around before Nicholas’s room caught my attention. Inside there, it was filled with Nicholas’s
pictures on the wall but there were pins and knife marks, it looked like he was a target. I was
scared and quickly ran out of there. I didn’t know what to do so I decided to go back
downstairs and there I met Sebastian as he was walking around. He saw me and stopped for a
second, looking as if he was trying to remember me. “Vanessa right?” he asked, I was
shocked wondering who Vanessa was. “Actually no it’s Lilian and what did you do to this
house?” I asked disgusted as he was living like this. He shrugged. “ ah right, what are you
here for princess?” He asked as he patted the seat beside him on the couch. “I wanted to let
you know that I am not your girlfriend so I am going to clear the relationship assumption
with the media” I explained. He stared at me in shock. “Don’t do that, we haven’t even gotten
to our proper date, nor have we kissed.” he said pleadingly. I stared at him but there was

something in his eyes that I could not tell. “You didn’t call me every since nor tried to look
for my contacts. and who the hell is Vanessa” I asked, I didn’t know what I was feeling
currently, it felt like I was betrayed but it wasn’t because I liked him . I just felt used. “I was
busy, Nicholas was moving out so I helped him out but he pushed me and told me that he
didn’t need my help and wanted to leave early. And Vanessa was my cat’s name. I swear I
would never cheat on you princess. I’m just not good at names” He said as he was trying to
explain himself so desperately. I didn’t know what to do. “Well I’m sending the article
anyways, I was here to let you know but we could go on dates to see if I want to be your
girlfriend” I told him. At first he looked disappointed but then he smiled. “Ok, I will see you
tomorrow. I’m going to call you this time, ” he said. I nodded and before I left I told him to
clean the house.
The article was sent and it spread pretty quickly. Maty was driving me back home that
day. Nicholas tried to call me when I was still in the car but I didn’t want to reply to him. I
didn’t understand why he would do such a thing to Sebastian but then again I didn’t fully
trust Sebastian as well. I was in a dilemma and didn’t know what to do. We arrived at my
building and I thanked Maty before I went home. I made sure Nicholas wouldn’t know I was
home. At home I was thinking about what to do and made a list of pros and cons of each boy.
Sebastian: Nicholas:
Pros: Sweet, nice, fun at parties Pros: Nice, funny, friend,
,my fan. gentleman, cute. Calls me all
Cons: Hates Nicholas deeply the time, understands me
, claims Nicholas is mean Cons: Is described mean. Has
trashed the whole house apparently done many
Never called me back bad things.
“aaaaaaahh”I screamed in silence because I didn’t want to let Nicholas know I was
home. I looked at the results and Nicholas seemed to win but who knows if what Sebastian
said was real or not. I decided to call Rosanna and told her everything that was happening.
She also was conflicted as me but it was different since it wasn’t her life. She was happily
engaged. “Go to the date tomorrow and then see” was the advice she gave me. After thinking
about it I decided to follow ahead on what she said.
It was night and I was waiting for Sebastian’s call like he promised and to my surprise
he did. “Princess? Is this you?” He said through the phone I told him it was me and he
started talking about how excited he was for the date and I didn’t know what to feel about it. I
went along with him enthusiastically. “We can go to the new race track that will be opened
for next year” He said excitedly through the phone. I didn’t like the idea but just nodded to
see how it would go. We talked a few more minutes before he had to go and I just hummed.
It was morning and I kept ignoring Nicholas as I didn’t know what to do. I got ready
and headed downstairs and met with Sebastian for our date. When we drove it was silent.He
put his hand on my thigh, it reminded me of the first time I was in his car when I wanted this
to happen but right now I didn’t like it. “Did you sleep well?” He asked and I nodded, that
was a lie. I barely got any sleep because of the situation. But I wasn’t going to tell him that.
“That’s great, so let’s get going shall we?” He winked and I just smiled. Throughout the
whole ride I didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t talking at all and we didn’t even put on some

music. I stared out the window to ignore the awkwardness, I really did not like what we were
doing at all and to be honest I missed Nicholas’s company as we would have been laughing
by now. But I quickly shook my head, I shouldn’t really be thinking about him when I’m on a
date with his cousin.
We arrived at our destination and there was barely anyone there. It looked nothing
special and just a regular race track, if I was being honest I was kind of disappointed but
Sebastian looked happy so I tried being happy with him. We sat down on the bench and
stared at the ‘view’ in silence before he spoke. “Isn’t it pretty? I can’t wait to compete here
next season” He said grinning ear to ear, while doing so he held my hands and we stared at
the track once more. “What do you really like about being a racer, is it because you enjoy it
or is it because you think you are a better racer than Nicholas?” I asked subtly not to try to
make me interrogate him. He took his eyes off the track and stared directly at me, at first he
looked confused before he had a frown appear on his face. “Are you doubting me? Lilian…”
He said quite sad. I didn’t know what to do as he looked hurt. “No I didn’t mean it like that, I
was just wondering” I asked, trying to take his sadness from him. It took him a second before
smiling. He kissed my forehead and smiled. “I knew you wouldn’t do such a thing. Well since
we have seen this place why don’t we go somewhere else” he said smiling. I was relieved that
this wasn’t the only place we were going to go to.
We went back into the car and he was holding onto my thigh again and he kept on
driving. I asked him where we were going but he told me it was a surprise. And that
somehow made me excited because who doesn’t like surprises. After a couple minutes of
driving he pulled up in front of a cafe. We walked inside and it looked like we were the only
person there and the owner and I knew he rented the whole cafe just for us and that moved
my heart. “What can I get for you two today?” The owner asked. I sat down near the back
because Sebastian told me he was going to order the food and that I pick a seat. After he
finished ordering he paid and he sat down in front of me. “Did I ever tell you that you look so
beautiful today princess” he said rubbing his thumb on my hand. I loved affection but I didn’t
know why all of his actions didn’t have an affect on me. “You have” I replied and he smiled.
He seemed really sweet and I genuinely didn’t know how to tell him that I had no feelings for
him other than him being my favorite Idol.
Our food soon came and we started eating along. We had some small talks throughout
the whole time and he did make me laugh but then the door opened of the cafe. We both
stared at the door and the owner rushed in immediately. “Sorry we are currently unavailable”
The owner said and I was surprised to see Nicholas there. He dressed so nicely and his hair
was tied up in a man bun. His headphones were around his neck and he was wearing a hoodie
and some jeans looking very casual. I couldn’t help but stare. My heart started beating faster
and I couldn’t control it. He turned around and made eye contact with me. He smiled
immediately and called my name. “ Lilian and… Nicholas.” His smile vanished as quickly as
it appeared. That’s when I realized the situation that was happening. I got up immediately to
try to explain but Sebastian stood in front of me and kissed me. His lips touched mine and I
tried to push him away but he wouldn’t budge. I slapped him hard across his face before he
finally pulled away from me. I started to look at Nicholas one more time and his eyes
widened. “Wait Nicholas..” I called out but he left the cafe in a rush. I tried to run after him
but Sebastian held onto my wrist. “What’s wrong, did you not like it?” He asked with his

eyes feeling upset and I didn’t know what to do. “I have to go, I’ll talk to you soon” I said
immediately. I grabbed my purse and left the cafe in a rush trying to look for Nicholas but he
was long gone. I tried calling him a million times but he wasn’t answering. I texted him
asking him to let me explain but he wouldn’t answer at all. I didn’t know what to do and I felt
I arrived home and immediately knocked at Nicholas’s door. But no one was there so I
ran downstairs to ask the landlord for the keys to his room but she didn’t give it. “He called
me a few minutes ago telling me to not give his keys to you” She said and she said she had to
respect his choices. I stood there completely dumbfounded. I returned back home and tried to
call him once more and kept texting him but then looked at my contacts and my messages
wouldn’t send. He blocked me. I sat on the couch, completely out of my mind. I knew I had
to explain things and fix everything but to do so I had to make things clear to Sebastian. I ran
out of the building. I still had everything I wore on my date earlier. My heels and makeup
were still done but my hair was in some sort of a mess. I called for a taxi and told them to
send me to the address. In about 15 minutes I was already in front of the house. I quickly
went to the gate. The guards saw me and smiled letting me in. “Thank you” I said, making
sure they still get respect for doing their job. I opened the door but was shocked by what I
was seeing in front of me. The house looked clean but Sebastian was on the couch making
out with a girl that I didn’t know. “Sebastian?” I asked confused and felt like I was
heartbroken and I knew for sure it wasn’t because I loved him but it was because I trusted
him. He looked up and smirked upon seeing me. “Hey princess, how are you?? actually I
don’t care because you are no longer needed anymore.” He said his sweet act was completely
gone. “What do you mean?” I asked confused.
“Well , Nicholas admitted defeat and said he was done competing with me and it was
all thanks to you” he said grinning, approaching me slowly before he started telling me the
whole story. “Nicholas was your fan and because I already stole basically everything from
him things got boring. So when I found out you were my fan and he liked you I had to take
you this time. At first he said he wasn’t going down without a fight but I won in the end” he
said. He was already right in front of me. Now everything made sense, how his stories and
Nicholas’s actions didn’t make sense. how happy Nicholas always was with his awards. Why
he didn’t know I was allergic to strawberries and whoever Vanessa was. He never had a cat,
he had a girlfriend. I felt disappointed in myself and betrayed. I felt like I hurt Nicholas when
he trusted me. I had tears already falling from my face. “You’re an asshole. You know how
much I despise you” I explained to him and he chuckled. “Oh please, you really think I like
someone like you? Who even climbs a fence. Who goes into hibernation just because of some
news.” He said making fun of me. I felt really insecure during that moment before I
whispered. “I’m going to get back at you” I replied as I was about to leave but he held onto
my wrist again. “You can do whatever you want but Nicholas won’t want you back” He said
showing his phone. There was a 10 second video and then under it were texts of Nivcholas
saying he had had enough of it and gave up. I clicked play on the video and it was the video
of us this morning and me saying. “you’re better than Nicholas.”
I was in shock. “Hey I didn’t say that like that” I was already in total tears at that
point because I knew I lost a friend, just because I idolized some jerk and let him fool me. I
slapped him across the face before the girl groaned. “Are you done? Can you leave so we can

continue what we were doing?” she said, quite annoyed. I quickly grabbed my stuff before I
smiled at them with tear stains on my face. “I hope you rot in hell, a place where you deserve
to be” I said before walking out of the mansion. The guards stared at me worried but I told
them I would be leaving. “If you guys think of quitting emailing my agency, I’ll have a spot
reserved for you” I said before leaving. I was alone and it was already dark. It started
sprinkling, before rain poured down and that was the last straw before I broke down on the
road. I cried while I kept walking home. I didn;t know what to do but i just decided to walk
home. I didn’t deserve being in a car and the car didn’t deserve to be wet because of someone
like me.
After walking for about 20 minutes. I found a place to stay under for a while and tried
calling Rosanna. But she wouldn’t answer and I knew she was already asleep. I texted her
everything that happened just so she knows what happened when she woke up. I stared at the
time and it was 11:45 pm. The amount of cars on the road slowly deteriorated and it looked
like I was the only one left. I tried calling Nicholas even though it won’t even reach him. and
that broke my heart even more. I felt pathetic trying to call him several times. I knew
everyone was already asleep so I couldn’t call anyone. all the buses weren’t working anymore
and there were no Taxis left. The flashlight I was using to guide me turned off indicating my
phone died. I didn’t know where I was and I was getting scared. The streetlights were
flickering and it felt like a scene from a horror movie. I just decided to follow the road until I
found somewhere to stay or to sleep. My feet were in pain so I took off my heels and started
walking barefoot. I saw that my feet were bleeding but I didn’t care because I deserved it.
After walking for about another 20 minutes I found a playground that looked quite
familiar. It was the playground that was next to the elementary school and I knew I still had a
long way to go. I kept on walking thinking how I deserved this because of how much I
treated Nicholas. It was crazy how all of this happened in two days and I couldn’t believe I
ruined something that was closest to my heart. My feet were still bleeding and it stung
because of the water from the rain but I kept on with it because I had to get home. I kept
walking but felt sleepy. I knew I looked like some sort of drunk person but I knew I had to
get to Nicholas and fix things. After about another 40 minutes I decided to just take a seat. I
was too exhausted and didn’t know what else to do. But I was so tired I didn’t even realize I
fell asleep.
I woke up after some time, I didn’t know what time it was but when I looked around
me it was still a little dark but the sun was beginning to rise. I quickly got up on my feet but I
groaned in pain as I struggled to get up on my feet. I was honestly happy that nothing
happened to me during those few hours of sleep. I started walking again and the road was
starting to get clear and familiar the more I kept walking. My shoes were still in my hands
and I was trying too hard to keep on walking. I knew walking back home wouldn’t take that
long but I was lost at night and my thoughts were messing with me that I didn’t know I went
in a different direction.
The sun was fully out at this point and I finally reached my apartment building. I was
happy to see so and tried to rush over. When I first entered I looked at the time and it was
6:23 am. No one was out yet only the people at the front desk were. They all looked at me
concerned. “Mam are you okay?? Omg you’re bleeding , should we call a hospital?” They
asked as more workers came that were already there. “I’m fine. I just want to go home and

rest” I told them, my voice was raspy because of all the crying and dehydration and I haven’t
eaten anything except for the things at the cafe.They wouldn’t let go and still looked worried
but i told them the more they were acting like this the less time i was going home so they let
me go. I went up the elevator and I was dragging my feet at this point. I arrived at my floor
and approached my room but quickly passed through it and knocked on Nicholas’s door. At
first there was silence but then I knocked again and someone replied. “If you’re Lilian please
leave if not knock one more time” He announced as he was right next to the door. I knocked
one more time and he opened the door. He opened the door looking all messed up. His hair
was a mess and he looked like he had eye bags. His face turned into a frown but quickly into
worry. “I can explain pleas-” Were the last things I said before I fell completely to the
ground. Everything went black and I couldn’t remember anything.
I woke up and was hit by a bright light. My head was hurting like crazy and I couldn’t
feel my legs. I was starving and I felt sick. I was dizzy and sneezed and that caused more pain
in my head. I looked around the place I was in and immediately recognized I was in
Nicholas’s room. The door opened and it revealed Nicholas with a bucket with a wet towel.
He looked at me with worried eyes. And his eyes grew wide the moment he saw me. “I’m
sorry please let me explain” I said as tears flowed effortlessly from my eyes onto my face.
“Just rest and when you get better we can talk about it” he said, not looking at my eyes. I fell
silent and he started replacing the towel on my forehead. “I’ll be back” He said and left. I
was left there alone reflecting on myself. I was planning on how I’ll explain everything to
him. But he then returned with a tray of soup and tea. “Here have some food, I charged your
phone so can you please call Rosanna on what’s happening” He said as he handed me my
phone. I unlocked it and decided to disable my password in case he needed it and then closed
my eyes. The screen made my head hurt more. He thanked me before he asked me to sit up. I
struggled a lot and he helped me out and started feeding me. His actions made my heart beat
fast and I knew it wasn’t appropriate for the current moment as I made a big mistake.
“Rosanna informed your director everything and she was planning to return as soon
as possible but there was no available flight until her booked return flight. In 1 week is there
anyone else to take care of you?”He asked but I replied no, saying how my parents weren’t
anywhere near close and so are my relatives. He rubbed his temple before he told me he’ll
look after me until I feel well. I felt joy inside but I also felt like I was forcing him and
burdening him. “It’s okay i can take care of myself” I said trying to make things easier for
him but he stopped me. “Can you stop? I know everything already, just relax. And let go of
those thought” He said. I felt like crying again because he was the sweetest person ever. He
took care of someone who treated him badly and I didn’t know how to react so I just hugged
him. Yes I was in pain doing so but I really wanted to give it a go. “Thank you” I thanked
him and he hugged me there for a while before I fell asleep again.
It has been 4 days and Nicholas has been taking care of me. We got close again but it
wasn’t as before but I was happy he was warming up to me again. I already felt good and I
could feel my legs again so I started walking. He helped me walk around at first but now I
could walk around. “What do you want for lunch?” I asked as he was watching TV.
“anything you like.” He replied clearly uninterested. So I decided to make his favorite dish
from scratch. I had to thank him and I had to apologize. I wanted to tell him everything that I
heard and what happened.

When I finished setting the table I put the trays right across from each other and I
called him for lunch. He sat down and his eyes lit up. “What’s all this for?” He asked as he
sat down excitedly. “Just eat up and I’ll tell you while we’re eating” I smiled at him. He
nodded and took his first bite. He hummed and kept on eating more. I was admiring him but
my stomach started gurgling as well so I decided to eat. After a couple bites I called his
name. “Nicholas, I think it’s time we talk about what happened. I wanted to firstly start by
apologizing and doubting you. Sebastian was my idol and I didn’t know he was a jerk. I never
actually liked him as a man but as an idol only. Everything he did, I didn’t like at all. I don’t
like partying and I would certainly not like going to a race track as a date. The day I started
working again. I went to his place to clear my name but when I arrived it was trashed and in
your room there was hatred everywhere. He called me Vanessa but he lied and ended up
convincing me it was a cat. He asked to go for another chance and I wanted to let him have a
try. We had a date and then went to a cafe and that’s where we met. He kissed me but not to
my consent. I left immediately as I knew I didn;t like him. I know I messed up bad but-” I
stopped as he was listening, his gaze never leaving my eyes. “I never said he was better than
you. I asked him if he liked driving because he thought he was better than you but he edited
that out. I really am deeply sorry. And if you really don’t want to see me it’s fine” I said
finishing my sentence, there was silence after he spoke. “Lilian, I said I knew everything. I
saw what you sent to Rosanna. I deleted it before she saw it and asked her when she was
returning, which was next week. I already forgave you Lilian” He said as I was
dumbfounded. He looked at me and started laughing, I started laughing lightly before also
bursting into laughter. “But why did you feel like you had to defend yourself so much that you
walked the whole night?” He asked curiously, I was out of breath from laughing. I looked at
him contemplating whether or not I should have told him. “Because I like you and I didn’t
want to lose you. I realized that already a long time ago so that’s why i wanted to end the
Sebastian thing” I said looking directly at him. He started blushing which I found cute. I
smiled at him before I changed the subject.
That night we decided to watch a movie. I was telling him how I was healed and
should go home but he insisted we had one last night together before going back to normal
and I agreed. While we were watching the movie I could feel he was staring at me. I was
blushing but he couldn’t see because we turned the lights off. But we didn’t even realize that
we were scooching closer to each other throughout the movie, and that’s how we ended up
cuddling. The movie finished and he turned off the Tv. We stayed in the position we were in
for a couple seconds before he said. “I like you as well Lilian . at first because of your voice
but ever since I saw you in person and how you acted I fell in love with you. I wanted to hate
you about what happened so I blocked you but after about 1 am I unblocked you and tried
calling you several times but there was no answer so I thought you were asleep. I knew that
what happened wasn’t you at all and even if it was I knew I couldn’t be mad at you. And when
I saw you early that morning all hurt, I was worried. When I saw those messages all I needed
to confirm was confirmed and I knew it was Sebastian’s doing.” He said. I was surprised and
looked at him. We stared at each other for a minute, lost in each other’s eyes before he leaned
closer and so did I. And after some time our lips touched, his lips were soft and sweet. We
pulled up and smiled. “Can I be your boyfriend?” He asked discreetly and this time I didn’t
waste my time to agree. We kissed one last time before cuddling each. “Anyways, since that’s

sorted out I want to know why Sebastian does this” I asked and at first Nicholas was thinking
before he replied. “Ever since we were little we were compared to each other and I sort of
had the compliments and I knew how he felt but I couldn’t do anything. I told my parents how
I felt and that I felt like Sebastian was being left out but he overheard the conversation and
took it wrong. So we grew up with a wall between us. In middle school I had many friends
and he didn’t so I told him we could share but he denied it. But then he started making friends
and they treated him horribly. I tried to help him but he just pushed me away. I wanted to do
taekwondo and he decided to join and from then that’s when I knew that the only way we
could remove the barrier between us was when I let him have power. So I always let him win,
I made sure to be closer to him so it won’t be an easy defeat. And soon I told my parents I
wanted to be a racer and they accepted me and then he decided he wanted to do so as well.
And up until now here we are but the game before the last I wanted to at least once before I
plan on quitting because it seems like it turned to be his passion. Even though I really love
racing I wanted to just let him shine on his own and I’ll do my best but in the last game
someone sabotaged my car and it could have been dangerous so I slowed down and tried to
just refocus. I then knew how much he hated me, to the point he wanted to sabotage me and I
finally decided to just move out.” Nicholas finished talking. I was silent and felt bad for both
of them. They clearly needed to talk things out. But now wasn’t the moment. “I love how
mature you have been but you don’t need to give up your dream just for someone else.” I said
caressing his hand that was laid on my thigh. At first he was silent before he hummed.
“You’re right, but Sebastian won’t take that too well since I already told him I was quitting”
Nicholas said again and I stared at him. My eyes met his eyes directly, he quickly turned his
head to avoid contact with me but I held onto his face to look at me. “Think about you, not
Sebastian. yes you’re not used to that but try and soon enough you’ll see” I said and he just
smiled at me. “Thank you,” He replied. That night we just continued to chat and eventually
fell asleep in each other’s arms.
I woke up the next morning feeling relieved. I rubbed my eyes and tried to move but a
pair of arms were wrapped around my waist. I was surprised at first but then I remembered
everything that happened last night. I gently removed Nicholas’s arms off of me and went to
the kitchen. There I started cooking breakfast for us. After I finished making a couple
pancakes Nicholas came out of the room rubbing his eyes. When he saw me, he smiled. I told
him to sit down and eat breakfast. He smiled happily, and started munching on the food I
prepared for him. “Tastes good as always” He replied and he kept on eating more which
made me smile.
After some time, it was finally time for me to return back home since Rosanna was
coming home. I hugged him goodbye before leaving. I entered my apartment and everything
felt empty. The vibes were different and I genuinely didn’t like it but not even a couple
minutes later the door was opened. Rosanna entered and looked for me and when we made
eye contact we screamed. She hugged me tight and started squeezing me. “ah it hurts” I
quickly said before she pulled away. She held onto my face and examined me before she
started sobbing. “I can’t believe everything that happened in that month I wasn’t here. You
must have felt lonely.” she said again. I started laughing as well but tears also fell from my
eyes. After our heartfelt moment I helped her unpack everything and while doing so I told her
how we resolved everything.She was happy for me and said she is proud I chose the right one

because Nicholas has been updating her on the daily about my health. “That boy is full of
surprises” She said all smiley.

It has been a week since me and Nicholas started dating and we have been going on
small dates without making it public yet but the more I spent time with him the more I
wanted the whole world to see. We discussed it and he agreed to do so. So that’s why I
uploaded a picture of the two of us on Instagram and told my director to confirm about me
dating Nicholas. Not even a couple hours later there were a bunch of comments flooding the
article and my post. At first everyone was furious on how I ‘switched teams’ but I didn’t pay
much attention to it because Nicholas was with me to comfort me if I needed it.
After two days we were called to have an interview together as a couple. I knew this
was when we got to explain everything. Why I was dating him and the reason why he was the
one for me. We were both excited for this moment and were wondering what the interview
would be like.
When we got to the interview the workers there were all nice and provided snacks
before the live air of the interview. The person interviewing us was so sweet and told us to
only share what we felt comfortable with and that made our nervousness settle.
Throughout the whole interview there were questions about our relationship and since
when and why and we both truthfully said that he moved out of the mansion because he
wanted to fend for himself but ended up being my neighbor. Then we became friends as we
grew close and after some discussion we confessed our feelings for each other and started
dating. But then the final couple question was “ What happened with Sebastian?” They all
asked and I was struggling to find an answer. And while I stayed silent Nicholas replied for
me. “He told me he was under pressure because of the fans and did everything for fanservice.
But her falling was an accident and Sebastian was the only one there currently to help her.”
He said ,I stared at him in awe, he still protected his cousin’s image even though he treated
him horribly. “Why did you answer? And how do you know he was the only one during that
moment.” The interviewer asked and Nicholas smiled. “She told me everything and me and
Sebastian are cousins living in the same house. In fact the clothes she wore leaving the party
was mine” he said but then I slapped his arm. “You did not have to say that”
I said silently but there was silence and it turned out everyone was staring at us. I got
embarrassed and hid behind Nicholas pinching his back in annoyance. “Wow, you guys look
really cute. Anyways, you were cousins?That’s a shocker, well thank you for coming” The
woman quickly wrapped everything up.
The moment the cameras were off we said thank you to everyone who was working
and gifted them some donuts before leaving. While we were on the road we were having fun
giggling around and entered a coffee shop. when we entered we bumped into someone. We
quickly apologized but when I saw who it was my eyes widened. “Sebastian?” Nicholas and
I say in unison. Sebastian stares at us and scoffs but Nicholas stops him. “We need to have a
talk” He quickly and to my surprise Sebastian agreed to do so. “I’ll be at home then okay?” I
said quickly, Sebastian nodded and I left immediately. I called Maty to pick me up from my
location so we could head back to my house. Inside I was pacing back and forth. I didn’t
know why but I felt anxious and regretted leaving but I knew they needed the space so I had
to leave anyway. “Elias’s parents need me to discuss the marriage preparations. Can you like

to go to Nicholas’s if you want to wait for him?” Rosanna said basically kicking me out but I
didn’t mind because I had an excuse to be Nicholas’s.
Inside I looked around and there was nothing to do so I just put on a show waiting for
him. But it got darker and darker and Nicholas didn’t return home. I didn’t eat dinner because
I wanted to eat it with him when he returned so I stayed at the TV again trying to watch
something fun. But then I heard the beep outside the door and quickly got up to see Nicholas
and Sebastian entering the room. They were both smiling at each other and hugging. The
moment they saw me they froze. Sebastian went up to me and apologized. “I wanted to
deeply apologize for what I have done to you. No one should ever be treated like that. From
now on I’m going to be myself and follow my dream in trying to be myself. Me and Nicholas
talked things out and I wanted to thank you for letting us have this reconciliation” He said
sincerely and I could tell they really made up so I smiled. “Don’t worry I’ll forgive you as
long as Nicholas is fine with it” I glanced at Nicholas and nodded before we all laughed in
And that was the end of their rivalry. Rosanna and Elias got married. Nicholas and I
continued our love story and Sebastian was now abroad to make his own fragrance store.
Nicholas continued his life as a racer and was now displayed number one in our city. And as
life moved on we realized that all the misunderstanding and everything was all just us being
childish. Nicholas and Sebastian were now very close to each other and were inseparable.
Nicholas and I moved together in our own apartment. We decided to use an apartment and not
a house because the apartment would be smaller and it would mean we would see each other
all the time. My career was also going up and everything was going well because we were all
just being ourselves.

The End

Little announcement:
This story was one of the stories I finally finished and it was all thanks to the Storyark
camp where they helped us write and create our stories. I wanted to thank all those who
helped me improve my writing. I also want to thank all readers who have read this far. I
really hope you enjoyed it.

Thank you for reading Newfound Idol

From author: Clara Andrianarivola

One response

  1. What a wonderful story. I fell in love with the characters. Lillian has such a pure heart and so very kind. She follows her heart and learned how to trust her inner voice. Love the ending! Well done.

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