Any borrowed time left?
Why do you run away from me and pretend as if this is a game of tag? I just about catch up to you, only to be reminded that I can’t.
Oh time, we’re all a slave to you,you never stop for anybody and that I know is true.
As my body always changes like the seasons thanks to you time, I constantly am under pressure to live my life to the fullest, yet I have just reached my prime.
While you may not be tangible as if you were a person, I still feel your weight on my shoulder. You are truly a burden.
I shall ask for your forgiveness, as I have been painting you in a negative light, but please do understand you make it feel like I’m always having to fight.
Youth is like sand, I cannot hold onto every last bit of it, invariably worrying instead of taking action, oh I suppose in your old eyes this makes me look like the biggest hypocrite.
By Jasmine Dezurn
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